
Purple CRAYON bandit!!!!!!!

Purple Crayon Bandit !!!!!!
So i Caught Ethan drawing on his wall the other day with a Purple crayon and let's just say although I'm happy to see his artistic side coming out, I would love it to stay on paper! It may be time to upgrade to a easel for my little Picasso? Oh I wonder if those magic erasers work?

Other than my artisit redoing his room colour our weekend was good. I was in a craft show on sunday, Just advertising the photography and I had alot of interested people come talk with me :) I held a draw for a free session valued at $130.00. they were very happy to enter and I'll be calling the winner tonight. I also had a lady from the downtown exchange interested in displaying my work in the gallery! She said "you're work is very high end"! She gave me her card and would like me to come by this week. So you just might see Urban Edge Photography in the local downtown gallery :)

Next weekend is also my first wedding shoot! I'm so excited, I will of course post next week with photo's of that...you'll probably get tired of seeing it all.

Well take care hope you all had a great monday!?


opp's two of the same photo technical error.

1 comment:

Emma's Mommy said...

I tried magic eraser, toothpaste and everything else I found on the internet tips. The only thing that worked was liquid/gel hand sanitizer. Took a bit of paint off but no more marker.