
I'm so bad....

I'm so bad for using Ethan's last year shot's, However in my defence it has finally snowed, In the last two day's we have gotten 14cm. Not too many people get excitted when it snow's but I'm looking forward to all the great shot's I will get. Now then I have no excuses not to get out with my little man and snap away....Can't wait:)

Admitting it is the first step....I've put up my christmas tree yeasterday and I know alot of other people in the same boat as me, I'm not alone! LOL. I just couldn't resist any more. It's not decorated just light's but it definatley feels like Christmas now (with the fresh white snow too). Of course there is still stocking's to be hung and other finishing touches..I'll hold off on that till next week:)

Today Ethan and I swim almost done the class :( He really like's it! Not much going on after that, Maybe a backyard photo session? Oh he will LOVE me for that!

Well take care and have a great day!


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